HLK-V20 Christmas tree voice activated light

HLK-V20 Christmas tree voice activated light 3

HLK-V20 Christmas tree voice activated light PCB circuito utilizando módulo de reconhecimento de voz HLK-V20, USB or battery powered, battery charger circuit, White LED light, blink color LEDs . To be used in Christmas decoration.

There are only two standard passwords, “Turn on the switch” (turn on the light) and “Turn on the light” (turn on the flowing-colored light), you can see the PDF of HLK-V20.

Schematic HLK-V20 Christmas tree voice activated light


About Hi-Link HLK-V20 Voice Recognition module

The Hi-Link V20 is a powerful offline voice recognition module. Offline means that it does not need to connect to the internet to process the data. It can recognize any spoken words in both English and Chinese and will respond with an audio message and optionally output a signal or send a code via the serial port. Both the words to be recognized and the respond message can be customized to anything you want.

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HLK-V20 is a high-performance pure offline voice recognition module newly launched by Hi-link Electronics according to a large number of pure offline control scenarios and products. It can be widely and quickly applied to smart homes, various smart small appliances, 86 boxes, toys, lamps, industrial, medical, Internet of Things, automotive, security and lighting products that require voice control.

The module uses a 32bit RSIC architecture core and adds a DSP instruction set specifically for signal processing and speech recognition, an FPU operation unit that supports floating point operations, and an FFT accelerator. The audio signal is trained and learned through the neural network to improve the voice signal Recognition ability.

The solution supports offline recognition of 150 local commands, free configuration of wake-up words, command words, and broadcast reply to words through the background, supports lightweight RTOS systems, rich peripheral interfaces, and simple and friendly customized tools.

Hlk-V20 Christmas Tree Voice Activated Light 2
Christmas Tree Voice Activated Light

BOM HLK-V20 Christmas tree voice activated light

Parts Value Description Quantity
R1,R2 5.1kΩ (512) R0603 – SMD resistor 2
R3 240mΩ (R240) R0805 – SMD resistor 1
R4,R5,R9 1kΩ (102) R0603 – SMD resistor 3
R6 1.2kΩ (122) R0603 – SMD resistor 1
R7,R8 10kΩ (103) R0603 – SMD resistor 2
R10 15Ω (150) R0805 – SMD resistor 1
R11,R12,R13 4.7kΩ (472) R0603 – SMD resistor 3
R14 120Ω (121) R0603 – SMD resistor 1
R15 47Ω (470) R0603 – SMD resistor 1
R16 100Ω (101) R0603 – SMD resistor 1
C1 100nF C0603 – SMD capacitor 1
C2,C3 10uF C0603 – SMD capacitor 2
C4,C5,C6 100uF C1206 – SMD capacitor 3
D1,D2 B5819W 40V 1A SOD-123 Schottky Diode 2
LED1 KT-0603R LED0603 – Red LED 1
LED2 KT-0603G LED0603 – Green LED 1
LED3,LED4,LED5,LED6,LED7 XL-3014UWC-02 SMD3014 LED White 4
LED8,LED9,LED11,LED12,LED13 MHS171CRCT 0805 Side view LED red 5
LED19,LED20,LED21,LED22,LED23, MHS171UGCT 0805 Side view LED green 5
LED24,LED25,LED26,LED27,LED28 MHS171UBCT 0805 Side view LED blue 5
Q1 AO3401A 30V 4A 44mΩ 1.4W P-Channel SOT-23 MOSFET 1
Q2,Q3,Q4 S8050 (J3Y) 25V 300mW 500mA NPN SOT-23 Bipolar transistor 3
U1 HLK-V20 HLK-V20 Voice Recognition module 1
U5 TP4056-MS Lithium-ion/Polymer 1A SOP-8-EP battery charger 1
F1 BSMD0805-100-6V F0805 – 6V 1A 0805 Resettable Fuse 1
Pad PAD in PCB 17
U2 TYPE-C 6P Type-C SMD USB Connector Standing paste 1

Download files, links, and notes

Hlk-V20 Christmas Tree Voice Activated Light

Source: https://oshwhub.com/23studio/christmas-tree-lights

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Xtronic.org blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

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