Brutus TDA7294 circuit diagram power Amplifier 170W

TDA7294 Bridge stereo 3D Board

Brutus TDA7294 circuit diagram power Amplifier 170W. The circuit of the amplifier with TDA7294 was a big hit among our readers, so bring more than this version of the amplifier with TDA 7294 “Brutus,” this is an application bridge to the tda7294 that can provide up to 170 Watts @ 8ohms, 38 VDC.

The TDA7294 integrated circuit developed by SGS Thompson (, allows you with little money, have a complete amplifier, it is designed as an AB class audio amplifier and is ideal for use in home systems Theater and high quality amplifiers for easy assembly. It is capable of working with 4, 8 and 16 Ohms loads (speakers). It is capable of delivering 100 Watts @ 4 Ohms, VS = ± 29V, 100 Watts @ 8 Ohms, Vs = ± 38V. The total distortion is only 0.1% at PO = 0.1 to 50 Watts and F = 20Hz to 20KHz.

In this version of Bridge or Bridge amplifier, keep in mind the impedance of the speakers! 8 Ohms is the minimum recommended is 16 ohms, using only voltage up to ±38 Volts.
R = 8 Ohms  VS =±25VDC, PO = 150 Watts
R = 16 Ohms Vs = ±35VDC, Po = 170 watts.

Brutus TDA7294 circuit diagram power Amplifier 170W

Brutus Tda7294 Circuit Diagram Power Amplifier 170W

The circuit is divided into two main parts the power supply and the power amplifier.

Power supply for Brutus – The power supply is composed of a 18-0-18 to 26-0-26 @ 350VA transformer, The bridge rectifier must be a GSIB2580 or equivalent, the capacitors can be from 4.700μF/50V Up to 10.000μF/50V. There are also 2 ceramic capacitors and 2 resistors, the function of these resistors is to discharge the large electrolytic capacitors, when you turn off the circuit.

Power amplifier – The amplifier part is configured to work in stereo bridged stereo, using 4 integrated circuits, resistors R11, R12, R17, R18 (R) and R13, R14, R20, R21 (L) determine the gain of the amplifier. With these components is set to 30 dB. The mute/Stand-by circuit is connected directly to the VCC of the circuit. The input impedance is determined by the resistors R4 and R9.

When assembling the integrated circuits in the heat sink, you must use insulated bushings to avoid electrical contact between the metal body of the IC and the heat sink.

Thermal Pad

Suggested PCB mounting Brutus—bridged stereo amplifier 2 × 170 Watts (340 + watts total) – click in images to enlarge

Pcb Bottom Brutus Tda7294 Circuit Diagram Power Amplifier 170W
Tda7294 Bridge Stereo Pcb Layout
Tda7294 Bridge Stereo Pcb Silk Top

About Brutus circuit assembly
The printed circuit board suggested for this assembly is a single face, to facilitate mainly the life of the beginners … however if it is a simple face there comes Jumpers! Connect pieces of wire, interconnecting the dots, paying attention to the thickness of the jumpers at the power connection points.

BOM to assemble the TDA7294 Brutus amplifier

Last update: 08/19/2021 22:24

Part Value Description Quantity
C1, C2, C11, C12, C17, C18 1µF/100V Polyester capacitor 6
C3, C6, C7, C8, C13, C14, C21, C22 22µF/50V Electrolytic capacitor 8
C4, C5, C9, C10 4.7000µF a 10.000µF Electrolytic capacitor 4
C15, C16, C27, C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C33, C34 100n/100V Ceramic Capacitor 10
C19, C20 220µF/50V Electrolytic capacitor 2
C23, C24, C25, C26 100nF/100V Polyester capacitor 4
D1, D2 1N4148 Diodo 2
B1 GSIB2580 or equivalent Bridge rectifier 1
IC1, IC2, IC3, IC4 TDA7294, TDA7295 or TDA7296 Audio amplifier integrated circuit 4
Resistores 1/4W
R1, R2 27k Red, violet, orange, gold 2
R3, R8 100k Brown, black, yellow, gold 2
R4, R9, R11, R13, R15, R16, R17, R19, R20, R22 22K Red, red, orange, gold 10
R5, R10 47k Yellow, violet, orange, gold 2
R6, R7 4k7 /5W Yellow, violet, red, gold 2
R12, R14, R18, R21 680 Blue, gray, brown, gold 4
R23, R24 1 Brown, black, gold, gold 2
CN1 AC Terminal block 3 pin 5.08 mm 1
CN2 INL Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 1
CN4 ROUT Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 1
CN5 LOUT Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 1
CN6 INR KK Male 2.54 mm 2-Way Connector KK 1
Solder, wires, printed circuit board, heat sink for the integrated circuits, thermal paste, bushing, screws, box, etc.

Wait, here comes 2.1 amplifiers, stereo + subwoofer with TDA7294 and with TDA 7293.

Download the PDF files for assembling the Bridge stereo amplifier: Silk Screen, Copper PCB, PCB Component Side, Silk screen, TDA7294 Eagle Library, TDA7294 Datasheet.

Now includes Gerber file for you to order, uses printed circuit boards.

Download PDF
To the bloggers who like to copy, please stop it, it is a lot of work to finish a project like this… so don’t be an “Ameba”, don’t copy! Link here, saying that you have a new circuit!!

Buy Diy kits TDA7294 in Aliexpress with free Shipping in the Worldwide.

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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

71 thoughts on “Brutus TDA7294 circuit diagram power Amplifier 170W”

  1. hi tony my compliments with the brutus project I have now also build him and just wonder if I can get rid of the hum of the diet you have an idea I would like to hear from you if you know a solution for it further am very happy with this project.

    greetings gerard

  2. buenos dias alguien logro hacer este amplificador con respecto a las
    R5, R6, R7, R10 47k
    R12, R14, R18, R21 47k
    como seria la configuracion correcta .. ? le prestamos atencion al circuito? o a lo que dejo toni en la lista de componentes ?

  3. Hi,
    I hv designsd this according to ur layout but my IC2 (the first one as on layout) got heated excessively !!! The circuit is working however but this particular positioned ic is heated up too high … I have tried replacing three ic’s in that position along wth the capacitors too but getting same problem… Plz help …

  4. Ohh mr .Toni help me to get download file on these it ask for the password when I trying to open it in my phone please send them to my gmail without encrypted file

  5. Hi Toni,
    I builted brutus amplifier and it doesn’t work correct.
    Once, I start the amplifier without load, it start increasing the temperature to the ics and bridge rectifier rapidly.
    Please, I would like some to find the problem


  6. Hi Mr Toni ,

    Greetings to you and your family,

    very interesting one ,

    can u send me the Pdf files for the Pcbs , where iam not able to down load

    Thanks in advance,
    Sethu Ramachandran.

  7. hi toni,
    i made this… super amazing amp…
    nice clearity & bass !
    100000…thanks toni..
    I like u so much.
    Thanks,keep it up man.
    (&i also made your another some circuits, all are success &great)
    plz give your email id.

  8. Toni I would like you to send for me pdf files for this project.
    Am more interested in building this for my mini PA amplifier.

  9. Sir.
    the project is very nice and cool, i want to plead that you made a mistake listing the parts, the 22k resistor color code should be Red-Red-Orange not Red-Orange-Orange.
    once again thanks for this projects….it quality is amazing.

    • Hi jeo. I like to make this amp. but I can’t understand this resistors, resistance R1,R2 it’s 47K or 4.7K
      and this one R14 to R28 it’s 47K or 4.7K ??? please help me.

      • hello as scan the schematic diagram….the (R6,R7=4.7K 1/2 watt) (R12,R14,R18,R21=680 ohms 1/4 watt) (R5,R10=47K 1/4watt)………….before i will built also this project circuit…… email me at what will be the outcome and result….

      • It is really !
        R1,2 : 27 kΩ.
        R3,8 : 100 kΩ.
        R6,7 : 4,7 kΩ/2w.
        R12,14,18,21 : 680Ω.
        R4,9,11,13,15,16,17,19,20,22 : 22 kΩ.
        R5,10 : 47 kΩ.
        C1,2,17,18 : 1µF /250V – Polyester Capacitor.
        C3,6,7,8,13,14,21,22 : 22µF/50V – Electrolytic capacitor.
        C4,5,9,10 : 10.000µF/50V – Electrolytic capacitor.
        C11,12,15,16 : 100nF /100V – Ceramic Capacitor.
        C19,20 : 220µF /50V – Electrolytic capacitor.
        B1 : VSIB2580, GSIB2580, D25XB60, GBJ2510.
        D1,2 : 1N4148.
        IC1,2,3,4 : TDA 7294.
        Transformer : 230 V/2×18 V….2×26 V-8A.

  10. i am not able to download the PDF files for
    Silk Screen, PCB, PCB component side, Silk screen, TDA7294 Eagle Library, TDA7294 Datasheet.

    Would you mind to send me the file Via email ?
    Thankyou very much.

  11. i am not able to download the PDF files for
    Silk Screen, PCB, PCB component side, Silk screen, TDA7294 Eagle Library, TDA7294 Datasheet.

    Would you mind to send me the file Via email ?
    Thankyou very much.

  12. Hi Toni, Thanks for the wonderful post. I am planning to use this circuit for my Subwoofer but want to make some small changes in the PCB before doing so. Could you please send me the eagle files to my email. Thanks


  13. Hello,
    I’m very interesting in this project,but I cannot download the PDF file in my area.Would you mind to send me the file Via email?
    Thankyou very much !
    Can you send me PCB for this amplifier TDA7294 2x150W
    on this email

  14. i am very interesting in this project but i cannot download the PDF file.would you mind to send me the file via e-mail?
    Thank you very much.

  15. I am not able to download the PDF files for
    Silk Screen, PCB, PCB component side, Silk screen, TDA7294 Eagle Library, TDA7294 Datasheet.

    Would you mind to send me the file Via email ?
    Thankyou very much

  16. I am not able to download the PDF files for
    Silk Screen, PCB, PCB component side, Silk screen, TDA7294 Eagle Library, TDA7294 Datasheet.

    Would you mind to send me the file Via email ?

  17. I am not able to download the PDF files for
    Silk Screen, PCB, PCB component side, Silk screen, TDA7294 Eagle Library, TDA7294 Datasheet.

    Would you mind to send me the file Via email ?
    Thankyou very much

  18. i am not able to download the PDF files for
    Silk Screen, PCB, PCB component side, Silk screen, TDA7294 Eagle Library, TDA7294 Datasheet.

    Would you mind to send me the file Via email ?
    Thankyou very much.

  19. Can we again bridge the two channels left and right for subwoofer application, Please suggest.
    If so please help me to understand how to bridge the two channels to a single output with total 300+ watts.

  20. I am not able to download the PDF files for
    Silk Screen, PCB, PCB component side, Silk screen, TDA7294 Eagle Library, TDA7294 Datasheet.

    Would you mind to send me the file Via email ?
    Thankyou very much

  21. Hello,
    I’m very interesting in this project,but I cannot download the PDF file in my area(HongKong).Would you mind to send me the file Via email ?
    Thankyou very much !



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