TDA7297 amplifier circuit diagram stereo board

Power amplifier TDA7297 3D board

TDA7297 amplifier circuit diagram stereo board. Complete stereo amplifier circuit including printed circuit board to power of 2 × 15 Watts. Using minimum of components in the integrated circuit TDa7297 ST Microelectronics. This IC presents in its interior two bridge amplifiers, making it useful for use where a stereo amplifier need easy assembly. May operate with voltages 6-18 volts and has protection against excess temperature. The TDA7297 is a dual bridge amplifier specially designed for TV and Portable Radio applications.

About the TDA7297 amplifier circuit diagram stereo board

  • Wide supply voltage range (6v -18v)
  • minimum external components
  • no SVR capacitor
  • no bootstrap
  • no Boucherot cells
  • internally fixed gain
  • stand-by & mute functions
  • short circuit protection
  • thermal overload protection

Tda7297 Amplifier Audio Stereo Assembly Tda7297 Amplifier, Amplifier Tda, Audio, Power Amplifier, Power Amplifier Circuit, Tda7297 15W+15W, Tda7297 Amp, Tda7297 Amplifier, Tda7297 Datasheet, Tda7297 Diy, Tda7297 Mods, Tda7297 Pdf, Tda7297 Speakers, Tda7297 Specs, Tda7297Sa Tda7297 Amplifier Circuit Diagram Stereo BoardSchematic of the TDA7297 amplifier circuit diagram stereo board

Tda7297 Amplifier Circuit Diagram Stereo Board Schematic
Tda7297 Circuit Diagram Stereo Board Schematic

Suggested printed circuit board (PCB) for TDA7297 amplifier circuit diagram stereo board

Pcb Tda7297 Amplifier Circuit Diagram Stereo Board
Pcb Tda7297 Amplifier Board
Pcb Component View Tda7297 Amplifier Circuit Diagram Stereo Board
Pcb Component View Amplifier Circuit Diagram Stereo Board
Pcb Component Silk Tda7297 Amplifier Circuit Diagram Stereo Board
Pcb Component Silk Amplifier Circuit Diagram Stereo Board

BOM for assembling the circuit with TDA7297

Part Value
Resistors 1/4 W 5%
R1 1.5K – Brown, Green, Red, Gold
R2, R3 47K – Yellow, Violet, Orange, Gold
R4, R5 47K – Yellow, Violet, Orange, Gold
R6, R7 2.2K – Red, Red, Red, Gold
C1 1000µF a 2200µF/25V — Polarized Electrolytic Capacitor
C2 100nF — Ceramic Capacitor
C3 10µF/25V — Polarized Electrolytic Capacitor
C4, C5 470nF /100V — Polyester Capacitor
C6, C7 220pF — Ceramic Capacitor
IC1 TDA7297 or tda7297sa – Bridge stereo audio amplifier integrated circuit -ST Microelectronics
LED Red Led 5 mm
VCC Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm — Power supply connector.
IN 3-pin 2.54 mm connector JST-XH-03 – Audio input connector
OUT1 Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm — Audio Out Connector 1
OUT2 Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm — Audio out connector 2
J1 J12MM – 12 mm piece of wire
P1 47K or 50K – Double logarithmic or linear potentiometer
Solder, Wires, PCB, Box, 9 to 18 Volt /2 Amp* power supply, etc.

*See text

Download PDF Files to assemble the amplifier Tda7297 Datasheet, PCB, PCB Component Layout, PCB Silk, Schematic.

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Also get to know the new version with tone control

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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

33 thoughts on “TDA7297 amplifier circuit diagram stereo board”

  1. As far as I can tell, the datasheet for the TDA7297 does not specify if the electrical ratings are per channel or the total of both channels combined. Admittedly, I am relatively new to all of this, so perhaps my specific question is as follows:

    I have a collection of speakers ranging from 2(Ohm) – 16(Ohm), 1(Watt) – 40(W), and everything in between.

    If the suggested rating of 8-Ohms is per channel (8-Ohms for one channel, 8-Ohms for the other, and in no way affected by changes in the other), then my options for how to safely connect the speakers would be completely different than if the suggested rating of 8-Ohms is referring to the combined total from BOTH channels.
    I am trying to figure out how to evenly spread the load over the two channels and this is impossible to do without knowing if I am going to fry the chip if I, for instance try bridging the two output channels into a series/parallel speaker circuit (to average out differing speaker impedences, etc…)

  2. Hi,

    I have built the amp as per diagram and is working.
    The problem that I am having is the the heat sink is getting too hot, I am concerned burning the I.C.

    Do you have any pointers that I can look at to resolve this issue?

    Thank you

  3. Really nice circuit. I satisfied with it’s performance.
    My question is that, why 220nF capacitors are used to input of TDA7297?

  4. Ensamble uno pero Distorziona el amplificador
    Aunque a bajo volumen. Que puede ser?
    Prove con varios algunos alimentadores de 1.5 A 2A a 12 volst

  5. pl send me pcb ( with out components ) IAM IN INDIA IF IT IS POSIBLE .SO THAT ICAN GIVE YOU MY ADDRES



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