TDA7000 FM radio receiver 88-108 MHz circuit

FM radio receiver ic tda7000 lm386 circuit schematic

TDA7000 FM radio receiver 88-108 MHz circuit + LM386. Simple circuit of easy-to-assemble home-built DIY FM radio receiver with TDA7000 dedicated circuit and amplifier for Lm386 CI, although it is a relatively old chip with mono reception. Assembling an FM radio is always something interesting to the electronics enthusiast. In the circuit includes the part of the receiver based on the chip tda7000 and amplifier for CI LM386n, soon we will have our radio receiver of FM using few components. The tuning is done by varicap, simply by activating a potentiometer to tune the stations, not requiring complex circuits with coils and capacitors.

The new circuit is the TDA7000 which integrates a mono FM radio all the way from the aerial input to the audio output. External to the IC are only one tunable LC circuit for the local oscillator, a few inexpensive ceramic plate capacitors and one resistor. The TDA7000 dramatically reduces assembly and post-production alignment costs because only the oscillator circuit needs adjustment during manufacture to set the limits of the tuned frequency band. The complete FM radio can be made small enough to fit inside a
calculator, cigarette lighter, key-ring fob or even a slim watch. The TDA7000 can also be used as receiver in equipment such as cordless telephones, CB radios, radio-controlled models, paging systems, the sound channel of a TV set or other FM demodulating systems.

Schematic of the TDA7000 FM radio receiver 88-108 MHz circuit diagram

Schematic Of The Tda7000 Fm Radio Receiver 88-108 Mhz Circuit Diagram
Schematic Of The Tda7000 Fm Radio Receiver 88-108 Mhz Circuit Diagram

Until now, the almost total integration of an FM radio has been prevented by the need for LC tuned circuits in the RF, IF, local oscillator and demodulator stages. An obvious way to eliminate the coils in the IF and demodulator stages is to reduce the normally used intermediate frequency of 10.7MHz to a frequency that can be tuned by active RC filters, the op amps and resistors of which can be integrated. An IF of zero deems to be ideal because it eliminates spurious signals such as repeat spots and image response, but it would not allow the IF signal to be limited prior to demodulation, resulting in poor signal-to-noise ratio and no AM suppression. With an IF of 70kHz, these problems are overcome and the image
frequency occurs about halfway between the desired signal and the center of the adjacent channel. However, the IF image signal must be suppressed and, in common with conventional FM radios, there is also a need to suppress interstation noise and noise when tuned
to a weak signal. Spurious responses above and below the center frequency of the desired station (side tunings), and harmonic distortion in the event of very inaccurate tuning must also be eliminated.
We have now developed a mono FM reception system which is suitable for almost total integration. It uses an active 70kHz IF filter and a unique correlation muting circuit for suppressing spurious signals such as side responses caused by the flanks of the
demodulator S-curve. With such a low IF, distortion would occur with the
±75kHz IF swing due to received signals with maximum modulation. The maximum IF swing is therefore compressed to ±15kHz by controlling the local oscillator in a frequency-locked loop
(FLL). The combined action of the muting circuit and the FLL also suppresses image response.

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Printed Circuit Board Suggestion for FM Radio Receiver lm386 tda7000

Pcb Bottom Printed Circuit Board Suggestion For Fm Radio Receiver Lm386 Tda7000
Pcb Bottom Printed Circuit Board Suggestion For Fm Radio Receiver Lm386 Tda7000
Pcb Bottom Printed Circuit Board Component View Suggestion Fm Radio Receiver Lm386 Tda7000
Pcb Bottom Printed Circuit Board Component View Suggestion Fm Radio Receiver Lm386 Tda7000
Pcb Bottom Printed Circuit Board Top For Fm Radio Receiver Lm386 Tda7000
Pcb Bottom Printed Circuit Board Top For Fm Radio Receiver Lm386 Tda7000
Pcb Top Silk Tda7000 Fm Radio Receiver Kit
Pcb Top Silk Tda7000 Fm Radio Receiver Kit
Part Value Description Quant
Resistors 1/4W 5%
R1 22k Red, Red, Orange, Gold 1
R2 10K Brown, Black, Orange, Gold 1
R3 5.6K Green, Blue, Red, Gold 1
R4 82 Gray, Red, Black, Gold 1
R5 1.5K Brown, Green, Red, Gold 1
R6 100k Brown, Black, Orange, Gold 1
R7 270K Red, Violet, Yellow, Gold 1
R8 4.7 Yellow, Violet, Gold, Gold 1
R9 150K Brown, Green, Yellow, Gold 1
R10 100 Brown, Black, Brown, Gold 1
R11 560 Green, Blue, Brown, Gold 1
C1 47p (47) Ceramic capacitor 1
C2 2.2n (222) Ceramic capacitor 1
C3 39p (39) Ceramic capacitor 1
C4, C17, C21, C24 100n (104) Ceramic capacitor 4
C5 220p (221) Ceramic capacitor 1
C6 150n (154) Ceramic capacitor 1
C7, C12 330p (331) Ceramic capacitor 2
C8, C13, C19 10n (103) Ceramic capacitor 3
C9 180p (181) Ceramic capacitor 1
C10, C11, C15 3.3n (332) Ceramic capacitor 3
C14 150p (151) Ceramic capacitor 1
C16 1.8n (182) Ceramic capacitor 1
C18 220n (224) Ceramic capacitor 1
C25 220µ/12V Electrolytic capacitor 1
C20 1000µ/16V Electrolytic capacitor 1
C22, C23, C17 10µ/16V Electrolytic capacitor 3
C26 22n (223) Ceramic capacitor 1
C27, C28 27p (27) Ceramic capacitor 2
IC1 TDA7000 CI FM – DIL18 1
IC2 78L05 5V positive voltage regulator 1
IC3 LM386N-1 (lm386) CI Audio Amplifier 1
D1 bb105 or BB809 or equivalent Varicap Diode 1
D2 Zener Diode of 2.7V or 3.3V Zener Diode 1
T1 BC558 PNP Transistor 1
T2 2SC3355 NPN Transistor 1
ANT, ANT1 Connect Antenna 1
DC Terminal block 2 pins Power supply 1
OUT Terminal block 2 pins Audio output 1
L1 4,5 turns 10 mm diam. Coil 18 AWG wire 1
L2 5 turns 10 mm diam. Coil 18 AWG wire 1
P1 10K (103) Potentiometer 1
P2 100K (104) Potentiometer 1
Supply or battery box, solder, wire, telescopic antenna, etc.

Download files
Datasheet  TDA7000

Download files of the PCB in PDF and PNG beyond the Gerber files for making the Board.


Includes 2 versions, one with double-sided PCB and RF amplifier and one with single-sided PCB.

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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

11 thoughts on “TDA7000 FM radio receiver 88-108 MHz circuit”

    • Hello Masih, the antennas should be connected to the antenna input pin of the TDA7000 FM radio receiver circuit. This will help capture the radio signals and allow the circuit to tune in to different frequencies within the 88-108 MHz range. If you need further clarification or assistance, feel free to ask.


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