TDA7379 amplifier circuit diagram 2x 38W

power audio stereo amplifier IC TDA7379

TDA7379 amplifier circuit diagram 2x 38W, compact stereo audio power amplifier circuit using integrated circuit TDA7379 for 2x 38 Watts. Uses simple DC power supply or transformer, being suitable for several applications where a good quality amplifier and low cost. Ideal for, games, PC, portable audio, automobile, motorcycle, home theather.
With a minimum of components it can assemble this project.

Simple design of easy assembly, already includes the circuit of the power supply, only need to connect the transformer and the speakers. With a compact pcb allows an audio amplifier with reasonable power even using simple power supply.
The power can be from 8 to 20 Volts DC or transformer from 6 to 15 VAC.
The power at the maximum setting will be up to 38 Watts at 4 Ohms and 20VDC. With Stand-by circuit, it allows smooth on and off the amplifier without crackling.
This IC is equipped with protection against short and high temperature.

The integrated TDA7375 and TDA7377 can be used on this board, provided that the voltage limits for each of these are observed, which can be observed in the Datasheet.

The TDA7379 is a new technology class AB audio processor amplifier able to work either in DUAL BRIDGE or QUAD SINGLE ENDED configuration. The exclusive fully complementary structure of the output stage and the internally fixed gain guarantee the highest power performances with extremely reduced component count. The on board clip detector simplifies gain compression operation. The fault diagnostic makes it possible to detect mistakes during the set assembly and wiring in the equipment.

About the circuit

Simple project of easy assembly, it already includes the power supply circuit, you only need to connect the transformer and the speakers. With a very compact board it allows an audio amplifier with reasonable power even using a simple source. You can even use a PC power supply.
The power supply can be 8 to 20 Volts DC or transformer 6 to 15 VAC.
The power at maximum configuration will be up to 38 Watts at 4 Ohms and 20VDC. With Stand-by circuitry, it allows the amplifier to be turned on and off smoothly without clicks.
This integrated board is equipped with protection against short circuits and high temperature.

On this same board you can use the integrated TDA7375 and TDA7377, ST540 as long as you respect the voltage limits for each one, which can be seen in the Datasheet.

Usage Table for TDA73XX (TDA7379, TDA7375, TDA7377 and STA540)

CI TDA7375 TDA7377 TDA7379 STA540
Maximum Voltage 18V 18V 20V 22V
2X 25W @4 Ohms 2 × 20W @4 Ohms 28W @4 Ohms 2X 34W @ 8 Ohms.

Circuit diagram of TDA7379 amplifier circuit diagram 2x 38W

Tda7379 Amplifier Circuit Diagram 2X 38W Schematic

PCB for TDA7379 amplifier circuit diagram 2x 38W

Pcb For Tda7379 Amplifier Circuit Diagram 2X 38W
Pcb Component View For Tda7379 Amplifier Circuit Diagram 2X 38W
Pcb Component Silk For Tda7379 Amplifier Circuit Diagram 2X 38W

BOM for assembling the power audio amplifier project

Part Value
Resistors 1/4W 5%
R1 10k – Brown, Black, Orange, Gold
R3 1K – Brown, Black, Red, Gold
C1, C4 47µF/25V — Electrolytic Capacitor
C2, C3 680nF — Polyester Capacitor
C5 100nF — Ceramic or polyester capacitor
C6 2.200uF a 4.700uG/25V — Electrolytic Capacitor
D1, D2, D3, D4 1N5402 or equivalent – Silicon rectifier diode
IC1 TDA7379 – Audio Amplifier Integrated Circuit
LED1 5 mm red LED
CN1 Audio Input
AC Transformer connector
OUTL Left channel audio output
OUTR Audio output Right channel
Solder, 15V / 4 Amp transformer or 20 Volt / 4A supply, wires, case for the Amplifier, PCB, heatsink for TDA, etc.

Download PDF files for this assembly – PCB, Component side, Silk, Pads, Schematic Datasheet TDA7379.

Gerber added

Download PDF


Download Datasheet PDF of TDA7379 IC

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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

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