Fake Car Alarm Circuit 555 led Flash

Fake Car Alarm Circuit – 555 led Flash

Fake Car Alarm Circuit 555 led Flash. Simple circuit simulator false alarm for cars or home, based on an integrated circuit timer 555, just to simulate the existence of an alarm in your car. Using an LED to simulate that “little light” that flashes indicating that the car alarm is activated.

the circuit is based on the 555, mounted as astable oscillator, set to make the LED “flash” about once a second. Simple to make and should be supplemented by own car battery, connected by cables to the flag of alarms.

Circuit diagram flag led simulating alarms for home and car

Schematic Fake Car Alarm Circuit 555 Led Flash

Suggested printed circuit board for mounting of the alarm circuit fake

Pcb Fake Car Alarm Circuit 555 Led Flash
Pcb Layout Component Fake Car Alarm Circuit 555 Led Flash

Part List Fake Car Alarm Circuit

Part Value
Resistors 1/4 Watt 5%
R1 10K – Brown, Black, Orange, Gold
R2 150K – Brown, Green, Yellow, Gold
R3 470 – Yellow, Violet, Brown, Gold
C1 100µF/25V – Polarized Electrolytic Capacitor
C2 10µF/25V – Polarized Electrolytic Capacitor
C3 100nF – Ceramic capacitor
IC1 NE555
LED1 Red Led 3 mm
CN1 Battery connector
Solder, wire, PCB, box, etc..

If you liked this circuit, but do not want a PCI card, you can buy a Flashing LED and mount as in the diagram below:

Fake Car Alarm Circuit 555 Led Flash

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About the author
Xtronic.org blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

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