PW2312 circuit step-down DC-DC converter

PW2312 circuit step-down DC-DC converter

The PW2312 is a high frequency, synchronous, rectified, step-down, switch-mode converter with internal power MOSFETs. It offers a very compact solution to achieve a 1.5A peak output current over a wide input supply range, with excellent load and line regulation.

Schematic PW2312 circuit step-down DC DC converter

Schematic Pw2312 Circuit Step-Down Dc-Dc Converter
Schematic Pw2312 Circuit Step-Down Dc-Dc Converter

Low-cost buck circuit with 4-30V input
Low-cost (0.31 yuan) synchronous rectification buck circuit, with overcurrent protection, overvoltage protection, 4-30V input, maximum current of 1.2A, peak current of 1.5A, static current of 5mA, 0.8V reference source.
For input voltages less than 15V, replace CIN with a 22uF 50V rated X7R ceramic capacitor. For input voltages greater than 15V, use a 100uF 6.3×5.4 35V rated aluminum electrolytic capacitor.

Output voltages:

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  • 3.30V: R1 47K, R2 15K
  • 5.01V: R1 79K, R2 15K
  • 6.00V: R1 130K, R2 20K
  • 9.01V: R1 154K, R2 20K
  • 12.00V: R1 210K, R2 15K
  • 15.04V: R1 267K, R2 15K

BOM PW2312 circuit step-down DC-DC converter

Parts Value Description Quantity
C1 0.1u C0603 — SMD capacitor 1
C2 22pf C0603 — SMD capacitor 1
CF1,CF2 0.1uF C0603 — SMD capacitor 2
CIN 100UF/35V 6.3×6.6 SMD Electrolytic capacitor 1
COUT1,COUT2 22uF C0805 — SMD inductor 2
L1 10uH SMD,7.8×7 mm Power Inductor 1
Resistors 1/4W 5%
R1 79k 1% R0603 — SMD Resistor 1
R2 15k 1% R0603 — SMD Resistor 1
REN 100k R0603 — SMD Resistor 1
U1 PW2312A SOT-23-6 30V, Synchronous Step Down Regulator 1

Download files, links, and notes

Pw2312 Circuit Step-Down Dc-Dc Converter Pcb 3D
Pw2312 Circuit Step-Down Dc-Dc Converter Pcb 3D


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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

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