Download PolarPlot 3.2 free antenna program for amateur radio. Antenna software that lets you see what the polar diagram of your rotatable beam actually looks like where it is operating.
The program will operate fully for 30 runs during a 15 day period. You can check that it works on your equipment and take take a look at some sample antenna plots. All that is needed (apart from your rig of course!) to measure your own or someone else’s antenna is a standard PC with a sound card. For more information look at this copy of the user guide PolarPlot runs on Windows 95/98, Windows/NT4 and Windows 2000, desktop machines and even laptops!
With PolarPlot you can measure the polar diagram of the antenna and check for abnormalities – compare plots taken before and after changes to the design or location – check the -3dB beam width – look at the front to back ratio – see the size and position of the sidelobes – compare the design pattern to the actual – gain a better understanding of the antenna. You can view the plot on a circular or rectangular grid, with either log or linear scales. The screenshot on the right is a 6 m beam at 55 ft (ca. 17 m).