Download RadioWORKS 2.0 tool for calc radio waves and propagation

Download RadioWORKS tool for calculating various items related to radio waves and radio wave propagation

Download RadioWORKS 2.0 tool for calc radio waves and propagation. RadioWORKS is a tool for calculating various items related to radio waves and radio wave propagation. Get detailed information about a frequency, such as the free-space wavelength, band classification, propagation methods, common transmitter configurations, etc. Calculate antenna lengths or frequencies. View a 3D coverage map by providing a latitude / longitude coordinate and transmitter height. View a 2D representation of line of sight coverage between two latitudes / longitude points, including compensation for TX/RX height, adjustment for Earth curvature, and first Fresnel zone calculation.

Download Radioworks Tool For Calculating Various Items Related To Radio Waves And Radio Wave Propagation

Look up the elevation of a latitude / longitude coordinate. Calculate path loss using the Free-Space, ITU Terrain, Hata Urban, Hata Suburban, Hata Open Area, COST 231 Hata Extended, Weissberger, or Empirical COST-Walfisch-Ikegami (Also known as ‘COST 231 Empirical’) non Line-of-Sight (n-LoS) and Line-of-Sight (LoS) mathematical models — OR — run the models backwards to get the matching distance for a given path loss value.

Use the Distance and Power change prediction calculator to predict how a proposed transmitter power change, whether an increase or a decrease, will affect your usable range — OR — how a proposed range requirement change, whether an increase or a decrease, will affect your transmitter power requirements, while factoring in the signal decay rate observed in your current system.

All path loss & distance / power change prediction calculations can also be displayed graphically.
Calculate the beamwidth, gain, and far-field distance of a dish antenna. Context-sensitive help is available to guide with the usage of the various features.
Additionally, all mathematical formulas used by the program are on display, including explanations and usage information.

Download RadioWORKS 2.0 tool for calc radio waves and propagation

Download RadioWORKS

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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

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