Download Electronics Assistant 3 electronics calculator for Windows, a program to support the work of electronic engineers, students, and hobbyists. With 3 modules minimum PCB track width calculation, Ohm’s law and resistive voltage divider.
Electronics Assistant 3 modules
1 – Thermal minimal traces width
The module allows the minimum width of the path due to the increase in its temperature due to the current flowing through it.
2 – Ohm’s law
The module enables conversion of current, voltage, and resistance according to Ohm’s law. The module also allows selection of elements from the selected series.
3 – Resistive voltage divider
The task of the module is to help in choosing the value of resistors for the voltage divider.
To make calculations, select the resistance series that interests us, and the voltage supplying the divider. After that, press the “Calculate” button. After time, the values of available voltages will be displayed. After selecting the value, the diagram on the left will be updated with the selected values.
While performing calculations and generating a sheet with values, an inscription about ongoing calculations is displayed.
Nevertheless, after the disappearance of the inscription, the results may still not be displayed and you should wait several seconds for their display. The extra time depends on your computer hardware.
In this version, a new function has been added in the “Resistive voltage divider” module. After selecting the output voltage from the divider, the output voltage range will be displayed on the left, considering the spread of resistor values.
License: Freeware.
I allow using the program for commercial and private purposes for free.
The author is not responsible for any damage caused by the program.
All calculations are theoretical. They are to facilitate the estimation of value. All values should be confirmed with independent calculations.
The program does not need installation. Just run the file: “ElectronicsAssistant.exe”.