Video Tutorial PCB Design For Manufacture


Video Tutorial PCB Design For Manufacture, A how-to guide to taking your electronics project from prototype through to high volume PCB manufacture. Covers component selection and purchasing, SMD, DFM, PCB panelization, gerber generation, drill files, pick and place files, and more.

Video Tutorial PCB Design For Manufacture

Part 2
A follow-up to Dave’s popular PCB Design For Manufacture (DFM) tutorial video. This time he updates his uCurrent PCB for production, including panelisation layout and component reel selection. Lots of the same ground are covered as in part 1, but with a specific real project.

Part 3
Dave demonstrates how to add testing capabilities to your PCB panel for easier production testing. Using an example of his new uCurrent design, and also a commercial product designed to be automatically ATE tested.

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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

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