ZenitPCB suite free Download PCB layout software

ZenitPCB Suite is directed to all those people who want to make printed circuit board for hobby, or to student and academics from universities or high schools, who want to create their own pcb with a professional approach and particularly without having to pay for expensive licenses.

ZenitPCB suite free Download – Cad Software for schematics and PCB layout

ZenitCapture Schematic is easy to learn and fast to use. Schematic designs can be created quickly using the easy-feature toolset available.
A schematic is a sketch of an electrical logic. It contains the electrical connection between component symbols by the use of signal wires. A schematic in ZenitCapture can have several pages and can be lead to a layout by a Netlist File (ASCII).

ZenitPCB Layout is an excellent tool to create professional printed circuit board ( PCB ).
It is a flexible easy to use CAD program, which allow you to realize your projects in a short time.

ZenitPCB Layout is completely freeware for personal or semi-professional use, limited to 800 pins (see “Who is it for?”), that is the border line, between the hobby and professional jobs.

Download this file and place in the program folder, usually in C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenitsuite20

Download Zenite PCB

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About the author
Xtronic.org blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

7 thoughts on “ZenitPCB suite free Download PCB layout software”

  1. After installing, when tries to run it shows the error:

    “Wrong liesence Type!!
    Download the correct one!!”

    requested to resolve the problem.


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