Download BBox crossover filter calculation, and more, Bbox active (op amp) passive (RLC (crossover) filter is free to design a quality program also has different have a list below of the calculations made by the program. bbox subwoofer box
Active filter design options: High pass 12db, High pass 18db, High pass 24db, Low pass 12db, Low pass 18db, Low pass 24db, EQ for URPS
Passive filter design options: Lowpass 6db, Lowpass 12db, Lowpass 18db, Lowpass 24db, Highpass 6db, Highpass 12db, Highpass 18db, Highpass 24db, R-C, R-L-C, Level lowering, Impedance compensation, Filter simulation
Storage cabinet options: Vent/closed Box (ventilation), Band pass, Bass horn, Transmission line, URPS (under resonance principle subwoofer), CHP/VHP
Options section
This section contains different hesaplamlar high voltages led series resistance to account and do not understand “mhup / spl” calculation. I guess the different calculators to add new versions to be developed in this section
Dynamic calculations
Led pre resistor
English and German language options of the program and Windows-PocketPC-MSDOS There are versions that run on a much more difficult to calculate the visual scheme that will not feel well on the Help/KnowHow/Formula different formulas are used in the calculations menu, from opening a program or, in some studies may be useful to make