Download Virtual C.R.O. 2.0.3 Oscilloscope Simulator

Download Virtual C.R.O. 2.0.3 Oscilloscope Simulator

The Virtual C.R.O. program simulates a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (C.R.O.). It has been designed for engineering students to study various waveforms using a C.R.O.-like interface, since the actual C.R.O. and the circuits they are studying may not always be available to them due to limited laboratory access. Please note that this is merely a software simulation, and the waveforms that the program displays are software-generated (using programmed mathematical expressions).

This program could be used as a simple interface to observe any waveform (typically the theoretical output of some circuit), to study various C.R.O. effects and experiments, or even to learn how to use a C.R.O. The virtual C.R.O. has 5 input channels. What signals are connected to each channel is defined by the ‘experiment’ you select, and its parameters. The program includes a set of common experiments; you can add your own by modifying the source code and re-compiling the program.

Download Virtual C.r.o. 2.0.3 Oscilloscope  Simulator
Download Virtual C.r.o. 2.0.3 Oscilloscope Simulator

Features Virtual C.R.O. 2.0.3 Oscilloscope Simulator

  • 5 input channels, plotted in different colours
  • Display/hide individual channels
  • Time and voltage scale adjustment
  • Trace positioning
  • GND mode
  • X-Y mode
  • Z mode (intensity modulation)
  • Choice of ‘Hold’ mode or triggering from any channel or ext. trig. input
  • Light or solid joining of samples
  • Adjustable screen size
  • Customizable screen, grid and trace colours
  • Panel displays values of controls, such as scales and modes in effect
  • Measure voltages and time differences using the mouse
  • Run experiments with parameters
  • Pre-defined common experiments such as frequency & phase measurement, oscillators, rectifiers, clippers and many types of modulation.
  • User-defined waveforms and experiments can be added (by straightforward modification of source code).

Download Virtual C.R.O. 2.0.3 Oscilloscope Simulator

Download Virtual C.R.O.

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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

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