Wokwi is an online simulator for Arduino and Electronics free. It’s designed for makers, by makers. Because it is online, it works on windows, MAC, Linux, and Android.
You can use Wokwi to learn Arduino programming, prototype your ideas, and share your projects with other makers.
Diagram Editor simulator for Arduino – Wokwi
The diagram editor provides an interactive way to edit your diagram: add components to the simulation and define the connections between them. It’s a convenient alternative for editing the diagram.json file directly.
The Serial Monitor – simulator for Arduino – Wokwi
The Serial Monitor provides a way to send/receive information to/from your Arduino code. You can use it to view debug messages printed by your program, or to send commands that control your program.

Arduino Uno – is the most popular board in the Arduino family. It is powered by the ATmega328p chip, which has 32K bytes of Flash program memory, 2k bytes of SRAM and 1K bytes of EEPROM.

Arduino Mega 2560. Powered by the ATmega2560 chip, which has 256K bytes of Flash program memory, 8k bytes of SRAM and 4K bytes of EEPROM. The board features 54 digital pins, 16 analog input pins, and four serial ports. It runs at 16MHz.

Arduino Nano – is remarkably similar to the Arduino Uno, but in a smaller form factor. It carries the same ATmega328p chip, which has 32K bytes of Flash program memory, 2k bytes of SRAM and 1K bytes of EEPROM.

Raspberry Pi RP2040 – based board with WiFi + Bluetooth support in Arduino Nano form factor.

Raspberry Pi Pico – an RP2040 microcontroller board with dual-core ARM Cortex-M0+ processor, 264k of internal RAM, and flexible Programmable I/O (PIO) feature.

Franzininho DIY – A small ATtiny85-based development board, popular in Brazil.

ATtiny85 – is a small 8-bit AVR microcontroller. It has 8KB of Flash program memory, 512 bytes of SRAM, and 512 bytes of EEPROM.
Arduino Libraries Simulator for Arduino online – Wokwi
You can use many popular Arduino libraries on Wokwi.
To include a library, go to the code editor and type #
on an empty line. You’ll see a autocomplete dropdown with many #include
suggestions. This list includes most of the available libraries, but not all of them.
The complete list of libraries currently available on Wokwi:
- AccelStepper
- Adafruit GFX Library
- Adafruit INA219
- Adafruit NeoPixel
- Adafruit NeoMatrix
- Adafruit SoftServo
- Adafruit SSD1306
- Adafruit ST7735 and ST7789 Library
- Arduino_CRC32
- ArduinoJson
- ArduinoModbus
- ArduinoRS485
- base64
- BasicLinearAlgebra
- Bounce2
- Button
- Controlino
- DallasTemperature
- DHT sensor library
- DHTLib
- DS3231
- Encoder
- FastLED
- FastLED NeoMatrix
- Geometry
- IRremote
- Keypad
- lcdgfx
- LC_baseTools
- LC_lilParser
- LedControl
- LiquidCrystal
- LiquidCrystal I2C
- LiquidMenu
- MD_Parola
- Midier
- ModbusMaster
- NeoPatterns
- OneButton
- PlayRtttl
- QRCode
- RTClib
- SD
- ssd1306
- SSD1306Ascii
- SdFat
- Segment
- Servo
- ServoEasing
- SevSeg
- ShiftDisplay
- SimpleDHT
- SimpleTimer
- SoftwareReset
- Stepper
- TaskScheduler
- Talkie
- Time
- TimerOne
- Tiny4kOLED
- TinyDebug
- TinyNunchuk
- U8g2
- U8glib
- Ultrasonic
To use Wokwi see the Wiki with documentation
See demo from Cool Arduino Simulations from Wokwi Arduino Simulator from Electrotantra ET
is this Arduino simulator free to use? can you share the project or back up the project?
Hello Ramu
Yes, is free. You can share and save the project.