TDA7377 2.1 amplifier circuit diagram with PCB

tda7279 2

TDA7377 2.1 amplifier circuit diagram with PCB, complete circuit power amplifier 2.1, 3 channels with TDa7377, include in the layout, power supply, bass filter as well as the full PCB layout. Project amplifier ideal for various applications. Includes in the PCB, Power Supply, Preamplifier, bass filter, volume, and tone control.

About TDA7377 2.1 amplifier circuit diagram with PCB Stereo 2.1 + bass channel

Circuit to take advantage of the possibilities of the TDA7377 that presents 4 outputs, being 2 simple for the satellites and the other two bridged for the subwoofer.
The circuit has balance control (P2), if you don’t need it just connect the points by jumpers. General volume adjustment (p1), tone control and subwoofer volume adjustment.
We have a preamplifier (IC1) and bass filter (IC3) with 20-150Hz pass band.
The circuit already has a power supply, just connect a simple transformer (AC) from 9 to 12 Volts/3 Amperes or more, you can also connect a source (DC) from 12 to 18 Volts / 3 Amperes. This can be a computer or notebook power supply, car/motorcycle battery, etc.

In the printed circuit board production process, be aware of possible shorts between the tracks, use a heat sink in the Integrated TDA7377 and sockets for the operational amplifiers, this facilitates future maintenance.

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Potentiometer P2 makes the volume adjustment and P1 makes the balance between the channels, Ic1 is configured as a non-inverting amplifier with gain equal to 3.6. If you need to change the gain, just change the value of the resistors R4/R, R3/C34 form a low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 86 kHz. The components around P3 form the tone control of our amplifier.

The formula, if you want to change the frequency response, is:
fc=1/2Ï€RC, with C37 for high frequency and C36 for low frequency.

Ic3A forms a non-inverting amplifier with gain 11. If you need to change this value, change R1/R19. Ic3B forms a low-pass filter with cutoff frequency = 150Hz. R20/C25 forms a low-pass filter with frequency 15.9 KHz.

TDA737X integrated circuits usage table

Power supply table for TDA737X integrated circuits

CI DC AC Current Power 4 Ω Power 8 Ω
TDA7377 12 — 16V 9 — 12V 3A 2X 6W + 1X 20W —
TDA7375 12 — 16V 9 — 12V 3A 2X 7W + 1X 25W —
TDA7379 12 — 18V 9 — 15V 4A 2X 11W + 1X 38W 2X 7W + 1X 20W
STA540 12 — 20V 9 — 15V 4A 2X 11W + 1X 38W 2X 7W + 1X 20W

Power, considering the maximum voltage supported by the IC.
You can connect to 2 Ohms loads as long as the DC voltage is not higher than 15V (7379 and 540) and 12V (7375 and 7377).

Schematic TDA7377 2.1 amplifier circuit diagram with PCB – Stereo + Subwoofer

Tda7377 2.1 Amplifier Circuit Diagram With Pcb Stereo 2.1 + Bass Channel
Tda7377 2.1 Amplifier Circuit Diagram With Pcb Stereo 2.1 + Bass Channel

Suggested PCB design for TDA7377 2.1 amplifier circuit diagram

Pcb Tda7377 2.1 Amplifier Circuit Diagram With Pcb Stereo 2.1 + Bass Channel
Pcb Tda7377 2.1 Amplifier Circuit Diagram With Pcb Stereo 2.1 + Bass Channel
Pcb Component Silk Tda7377 2.1 Amplifier Circuit Diagram With Pcb Stereo 2.1 + Bass Channel
Pcb Component Silk Tda7377 2.1 Amplifier Board Tda7377 2.1 Pcb
Pcb Component View Tda7377 2.1 Amplifier Circuit Diagram With Pcb Stereo 2.1 + Bass Channel
Pcb Component Silk Tda7377 2.1 Amplifier Board

BOM for assembling the circuit tda7377 2.1 amplifier

Last Update: 03/11/2021 15:47

Part Value Description Quantity
Capacitors ¹
C1, C23, C26 1µF (105) Polyester Capacitor 3
C2, C14, C21, C29 100nF (104) Ceramic Capacitor 4
C3 47µF/25V Electrolytic Capacitor 1
C4, C15, C19 4.7µF/25V Electrolytic Capacitor 3
C5, C8, C22, C33 100n (104) Polyester Capacitor 4
C6, C9 1.000µF/25V Electrolytic Capacitor 2
C7, C36 10n (103) Polyester Capacitor 2
C10, C17 33p (330) Ceramic Capacitor 2
C11, C13, C18, C20, C30 10µF/25V Electrolytic Capacitor 5
C12, C27, C31, C32 100µF/25V Electrolytic Capacitor 4
C16, C37 6.8n (682) Polyester Capacitor 2
C24 220n (224) Polyester Capacitor 1
C25 1n (102) Polyester Capacitor 1
C28 4.700µF a 6.800µF/25V Electrolytic Capacitor 1
C34, C35 560p (561) Polyester Capacitor 2
IC1, IC3 LM4558 or TL072, or Ne5532, or equivalent Dual operational amplifier 2
IC2 TDA7377 or TDA7375, or TDA7379, or STA540 Audio amplifier integrated circuit. 1
IC4 LM7812 12V positive voltage regulator 1
B1 KBL608 or equivalent Bridge rectifier 1
LED1 Green Led LED 5 mm 1
Resistors 1/4W
R1, R14, R15, R16, R17, R20, R23, R24 10k Brown, black, orange, gold 8
R2, R8 1k Brown, black, red, gold 2
R3, R9 3.3k Orange, orange, red, gold 2
R4, R5, R11, R12 22k Red, red, orange, gold 4
R6, R10, R18, R27, R28 47k Yellow, violet, orange, gold 5
R7, R13 8.2K Gray, red, red, gold 2
R19 6.8K Blue, gray, red, gold 1
R21 68k Blue, gray, orange, gold 1
R22 1.8k Brown, gray, red, gold 1
R25 8.2 Gray, red, gold, gold 1
R26 220k Red, red, yellow, gold 1
IN Audio Input Jst Xh 2-Way Connector 2.54 mm pitch or equivalent 1
SUB Subwoofer Output Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 1
ROUT Right channel output Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 1
LOUT Left channel output Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 1
DC DC Power Supply (Optional) Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 1
AC Connect transformer Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 1
P1 100K (104) Simple Potentiometer 1
P2, P3, 50K (503) Double potentiometer 1
P4 50k (503) Simple Potentiometer 1
Solder, Wires, Circuit box, PCB, heat sink for TDA, transformer, sockets for Op Amp, etc.

Electrolytic capacitors must have a working voltage 30% > the power supply voltage.

Download the PDF Files for this assembly — PCB, Copper Side, Component Side, Pads, Silk, Schematic, Datasheet TDA7377

Gerber added



Download the Datasheet in PDF.

Buy DIY kits or assembled board for this circuit TDA7377 2.1 direct from China to worldwide via AliExpress.


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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

67 thoughts on “TDA7377 2.1 amplifier circuit diagram with PCB”

    • I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing issues with the amplifier circuit. It sounds like there may be a problem with the connections or components used. Double-checking the wiring and ensuring that all components are properly connected and functioning correctly may help troubleshoot the noise issue. Additionally, verifying that the input signal source is working properly could also be beneficial in resolving the audio problem. Good luck with resolving the issue!

    • There is a total mess in this article. The diagram does not correspond to the PCB in terms of component numbering, then there is an error note that makes things even more blurred.
      For example:
      – in diagram and also in the part list C27 is 100nF polyester –> in error note it is 100uF electrolytic and have to be inverted (???)
      – C26 in diagram and in the part list is 100nF polyester –> in error note it seems be 10nF ceramic and have to be removed or changed with 6.8nF
      – the resistors R8, R10 and R18 are not 47K as is written in error note and none of them are not connected at the GND in the diagram.
      This article is a total disrespect from the owner to those who read it.

  1. Oi. Tudo bem?. Cara seu trabalho e incrível. Parabéns. Gostaria de montar um circuito usando dois tda7377. Estou na dúvida se e possível. Seria possível montar um circuito montando os dois juntos? Por favor. Obrigado, Felipe.

  2. buenas noches,estoy armando este ampli 2.1,y revisando la lista, de componentes veo que la r 23 esta 2 veces con distinto valor , viendo el esquema electronico ,deduzco que la r 25 es la que no esta en la lista ,es de 10k,,,sacame de la duda ,,muchas gracias

  3. hola a todos por favor me pueden decir los voltios de los condensadores
    que tal suena es te amplificador, este diagrama ya esta probado gracias

  4. can anybody pls tell me the volts of all capacitors used in this amp because i don’t which capacitor is of which volts to be use in this amp because i am a newbie in this electronic world// pls pls pls

  5. Good day can i ask something deffernt.? It is ok if i install a bluetooth for input for x3 and x4 instead of audio wire.?and How ..?

    Hope can someone answer my queation sorry for begenner question

  6. There is an error on downloading the pdf files. I loved your work and I am new to this field. I am hoping i could use you work for my own personal use. Please email me good sir! Keep up the good work.

  7. He terminado el circuito, :) funcionó muy bien haciendo unas modificaciones. He sustituido las resistencias R6 y R10 por unas de 100K y, ubicándonos el en esquema, conecte el pin 3 del IC1A y pin 5 del IC1B a la salida 12v del regulador 7812 mediante una resistencia también de 100K, y el pin 3 del IC3A también lo he conectado con una resistencia de 100k a la salida 12v del regulador 7812. Suena muy bien en mi equipo.

    Leia mais:

  8. Publicado em 7 de novembro de 2014 às 3:07 pm
    Estou construindo o circuito e eu notei várias coisas:
    Que a lista de componentes para 100uF capasitores a 2, C1 e C26, ea imagem componente obter 3 capasitores acrescentando c12 que está na lista e disse que, para 100nF O Stand?
    Esse pino 9 não está conectado fazer eu deixo bem ou ligar para a terra?
    Eu estou usando um tradutor

  9. Thank you for shairing a nice projec.I’m so intrested about developing this. Since I’m new to fiel please be kind wnough to e-mail me the all details/documents relaeted to above project. Thanks again.

  10. I think this project was only meant to be used with a car battery and the power supply section was just an after thought, you would have to make a separate board for the supply. I will post a schematic later on.

  11. Hello guys,

    circuit is okey and the PCB. After making PCB, fix the IC in their respective place and check its pins are matching with circuit. I had this similar problem. If IC pins are not matching, it will not work. Only solution, during printing the PCB outline, take the mirror image of PCB outline and take print.

  12. hi everyone i build tda7377 sub amp but it is distorting at low and high volume but if i test a power amp with no preamp it sound fine where is da ze problem

  13. Hii… I have installed this circuit. But I am unable to get output volume. Also there is noise in output. Sound is anyway not coming. Please help. Some values and components are missing in part list. Please update and reply for solution.

    • basta ligar 3 resistores de 47k cada entre os pinos 8 e 3 e 8 e 5 do IC 1 (4558) e entre os pinos 8 e 3 do IC 3 (4558). Solde os resistores em cima dos IC’s. Funciona ok.

      • Muito obrigado amigo, estava quebrando a cabeça com esse projeto há 2 semanas, já estava quase desistindo desse amplificador. Agora funcionou perfeitamente!

  14. theres something wrong in the circuit.
    pin 8 and 9 should be connected right? theres also a problem in the 4558 circuit.

    theres another circuit here:

    i hope this will work. sorry about my english.

  15. i build this project but its not working.
    my question is:
    > what is the right resistor? because in your parts list the R21 is 68k but in the component side its 6.8k.

    > Is it ok if i use mylar capacitor?

    hope for your rply

  16. This project is actually a new half level …. I’m getting a
    problem in ic lm4558, if I give the
    current at this power, that happens no
    sound at all who came out in speeker …
    please its support on issues that I’m dealing with this takz….(sory my english is suck)

  17. firstly, thank you for sending me this project. I bought all the materials for this project but I can not get capacitor 100nf(polyester) in my local area. is there any similar capacitor I can use.
    Thank you.

  18. First i am thanking you to give a nice project. It is very useful for a beginner like me.Can you please upload a pdf for pcb copper side ? Which type of speaker and sub woofer i have to use (rating also)?


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