Circuit diagram tpa3116d2 amplifier board xl6019

Circuit diagram tpa3116d2 amplifier board power

Circuit diagram tpa3116d2 amplifier board Mini audio amplifier circuit with tpa3116 bridged IC for 100W power with anti-pop. We use the tpa3116d2 IC as a class D audio amplifier and the XL6019 Boost voltage regulator from Xlsemi. Thus, raising the voltage will get the most out of the tpa3116d2 chip.

About the tpa3116 and XL6019 100W mini amplifier circuit

The TPA31xxD2 series are stereo efficient, digital amplifier power stage for driving speakers up to 100 W / 2 Ω in mono. The high efficiency of the TPA3130D2 allows it to do 2 × 15 W without external heat sink on a single layer PCB. The TPA3118D2 can even run 2 × 30 W / 8 Ω without heat sink on a dual layer PCB. If even higher power is needed, the TPA3116D2 does 2 × 50 W / 4 Ω with a small heat-sink attached to its top side PowerPAD. All three devices share the same footprint, enabling a single PCB to be used across different power levels.

The TPA31xxD2 advanced oscillator/PLL circuit employs a multiple switching frequency option to avoid AM interferences; this is achieved together with an option of either master or slave option, making it possible to synchronize multiple devices.

The TPA31xxD2 devices are fully protected against faults with short-circuit protection and thermal protection as well as overvoltage, under voltage, and DC protection. Faults are reported back to the processor to prevent devices from being damaged during overload conditions.

In our application we used the TPA3116D2 IC, configured the oscillator for 400KHz, and added an anti-pop circuit that acts on the mute pin when turning the amplifier on and off, thus avoiding popping when turning the amplifier on and off. The inductors can be SMD or PTH type, as long as they are of 5A or more.

We used 2 XL6019 voltage regulators from Xlsemi that work at 180KHz and can work with up to 5A of current, as we used 2, theoretically up to 10A of current. Sufficient for our amplifier. It is one with the ability to adjust the output voltage by acting on the FB pin. The formula to calculate the output voltage is VOUT=1.25*(1+R2/R1), in our case we have about 23V at the output of our DC/DC converter. This is enough for our TPA3116 chip to work at maximum power. You should add a heat sink to the XL6019 ICs, for this use thermal glue.

SS54 diodes for 5A and 40V or equivalent isolate the supply from each other. At the output of the DC/DC Converter, use good quality electrolytic capacitors.

As we are working with our amplifier for maximum power, we should equip the chip with a heat sink.

It is possible to order this board assembled with the components from JLCPCB or those you prefer, to save money you may be interested in ordering only the basic type components.

Circuit diagram schematic tpa3116d2 amplifier board

Circuit Diagram Tpa3116D2Dadr Amplifier Board Schematic

Suggested PCB printed circuit board for mounting the amplifier

Circuit Diagram Tpa3116 Amplifier Board Pcb Top
Circuit Diagram Tpa3116 Amplifier Board Pcb Bottom
Component Viewer Top Tpa3116D2Dadr Amplifier Board

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Last update: 08/02/2022 17:15

Part Value Description Quantity
R1, R2, R4 47k (473) Resistor SMD 0805 3
R3, R5 2.7K (272) Resistor SMD 0805 2
R7, R8 2K (202) Resistor SMD 0805 2
R10, R16 470K (474) Resistor SMD 0805 2
R23, R28 100K (104) Resistor SMD 0805 2
R29 20K (203) Resistor SMD 0805 1
R31, R32 3,3 (3R3) Resistor SMD 0805 2
C1, C2, C5, C8, C9, C12 470µ/35 Electrolytic capacitor 6
C3, C4, C10, C11, C22, C23, C25, C26, C54, C55 1uF SMD 0805 Ceramic Capacitor 10
C6 47p SMD 0805 Ceramic Capacitor 1
C7, C13, C62, C63 10n SMD 0805 Ceramic Capacitor 4
C27 100µ Electrolytic capacitor 1
C31, C46 100n SMD 0805 Ceramic Capacitor 2
C38, C43, C56, C57 1n SMD 0805 Ceramic Capacitor 4
C39, C40, C41, C42 220n SMD 0805 Ceramic Capacitor 4
D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6 SS54 Schottky diode SMC 6
D7, D8 1n4148 Diode SOD80C 2
LED1, LED2 LED red LED SMD 0805 2
IC1, IC3 XL6019 5A Switching Current Boost DC/DC Converter TO263-5L 2
IC2 TPA3116d2DADR DAD32 Class D Audio Amplifier 1
Q1 PMBT3906 Transistor PNP SMD SOT23-3 1
L1, L2 47uH 5A Toroidal Inductor 2
L3, L4 10uH Inductor SMD CDR127 (optional) 2
DC Alimentação Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm. 1
IN Audio Input Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm. 1
OUT Audio Output Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm. 1
Solder, Wires, PCB, case, font, heatsink, etc.

Download files of this assembly, including PCB board in Gerber, PNG, PDF format.

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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

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