TDA7294 Circuit power amplifier dynamic 180W

dynamic power amplifier TDA7294 3D Board

The TDA7294 can be used in stereo mode (2 x 80Watts) or mono bridge mode (1x 180 Watts), to do this configuration simply set up 4 jumpers. To facilitate assembly, the circuit has a power supply included. The power supply is simple symmetrical type with a bridge rectifier, capacitors being two large electrolytic, from 4.700μF to 12.000μF/50v. The recommended transformer is 12-0-12 at 25-0-25 / 5A, depending on the quality of the transformer recommended if a minimum of 6 Amperes current. Of course with a smaller transformer the power will be smaller as well as the current.

The TDA7294 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Multiwatt15 package, intended for use as audio class AB amplifier in Hi-Fi field applications (Home Stereo, self-powered loudspeakers, Topclass TV). Thanks to the wide voltage range and to the high out current capability, it is able to supply the highest power into both 4Ω and 8Ω loads even in presence of poor supply regulation, with high Supply Voltage Rejection. The built-in muting function with become on delay simplifies the remote operation avoiding switching on-off noises.

Another application suggestion is the BRIDGE configuration, where two TDA7294 are used,  In this application, the value of the load must not be lower than 8 Ohm for dissipation and current
capability reasons. A suitable field of application includes HI-FI/TV subwoofers realizations.

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In stereo, all jumpers must be open and the speakers are plugged into connectors Lout and Rout and audio input connectors in the Lin and Rin. In the amplifier in bridge mode all jumpers should be closed and the audio output Lout is (+ the speaker) Rout (- the speaker) and audio input will be Lin, Rin will be connected to ground via JB2.

The main advantages offered by this solution are:
– High-power performances with limited supply voltage level.
– Considerably high output power even with high load values (i.e., 16 Ohm).
With Rl= 8 Ohm, Vs = ±25V the maximum output power obtainable is 150 W, while with Rl=16Ohm, Vs = ±35V the maximum Pout is 170 W.

In bridge mode the manufacturer does not recommend using with speakers with impedance less than 8 Ohms.

In this circuit the mute / stand-by switch has been removed, but if you prefer, you can add it, the assembly is simple with a suggested circuit board.

The integrated circuit body should be insulated from the heatsink using mica or plastic thermal pad to insulate the screw.

Thermal Pad
Thermal Pad

Circuit of dynamic amplifier using tda7294–180 Watts bridge or stereo 2 x 80 Watts – Click to enlarge

Circuit Of Dynamic Amplifier Using Tda 7294 - 180Watts Bridge Or Stereo 2 X 80Watts - Click To EnlargeIn bridge mode short circuit the jumper JB1, JB2, JB3, JB4.

Suggested printed circuit board (PCB) for circuit dynamic audio amplifier with tda7294

Tda7294 Bridge Or Stereo Dynamic Pcb Board
Tda7294 Bridge Or Stereo Dynamic Pcb Board
Tda7294 Bridge Or Stereo Dynamic Pcb Layout
Tda7294 Bridge Or Stereo Dynamic Pcb Layout
Tda7294 Bridge Or Stereo Dynamic Pcb Silk
Tda7294 Bridge Or Stereo Dynamic Pcb Silk

BOM to assemble the power amplifier.

Last Update: 12/08/2021 23:14

Part Value Description Quantity
Resistors 1/4W
R1, R3, R7, R9, R13 22k Red, red, orange, gold 5
R2, R8 680 Blue, gray, brown, gold 2
R4 100k Brown, black, yellow, gold 1
R5 27k Red, violet, orange, gold 1
R6 47k Yellow, violet, orange, gold 1
R14, R15 4.7K Yellow, violet, red, gold 2
C2, C4 4.700µF a 10.000µF/50V Electrolytic capacitor 2
C5, C7, C8, C9 22µ/50V Electrolytic capacitor 4
C6, C12 560nF a 3.3µF Polyester Capacitor 2
C10, C11, C16, C17 100nF/50V Ceramic Capacitor 4
C13, C18 22µF/50V Electrolytic capacitor 2
C19, C20 220p/50v Ceramic Capacitor 2
D1 1n4148 Diode 1
B1 GBJ3510 or equivalent Bridge rectifier 1
LED1, LED2 LED 5 mm Led color of your choice 2
CI1, CI2 TDA7294 Audio amplifier integrated circuit 2
CN1 IN1 (Input 1 or bridged input) Jst Xh 2-Way Connector 2.54 mm pitch or equivalent 1
CN2 IN2 (Input 2) Jst Xh 2-Way Connector 2.54 mm pitch or equivalent 1
CN3 OUT1 (Output 1) Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 1
CN4 OUT2 (Output 2) Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 1
CN5 POWER (Power Supply) Terminal block 3 pin 5.08 mm 1
BTL1, BTL2, BTL3, BTL4 Jumper for bridged operation Terminal block 2 pin 5.08 mm 4
Solder, Wires, PCB, Box, Source

Download the circuit board files (PCB) for TDA7294 Amplifier – PCB in PDF, PNG, POSTCRIPT and GERBER.

The PCB layout has been updated, now with compact size, single-sided PCB mounting is still possible. The Gerber has been added, so you can order your boards.



Another version of the amplifier with tda7294 mono

Buy DIY kits TDA7294 in AliExpress with free Shipping in the Worldwide.

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About the author blog author. Electronics technician for the technical school of Brasilia - Brazil. Interested in electronics, circuits and technology in general.

78 thoughts on “TDA7294 Circuit power amplifier dynamic 180W”

    • You’re welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance with the TDA7294 circuit power amplifier, feel free to ask.

  1. good day sir Toni,I have problem with the previous circuit,the problem is theres a hum in my right channel ,but left channel is good,I have checked all connection and parts,all are in the right place,what is the problem with this,can u help or advice me,many thanks in advance

  2. hi !! i created this amplifier following this scheme, i have a 38 0 38 input power supply. the amplifier works but i have a great distortion !! how can i solve

  3. hello good day i just like to ask if i can replace the ic with tda7293 instead of tda 7294 and adjust the supply voltage for higher wattage using the same pcb and configuration, if not any suggestion using 2 and 3 tda7293 in bridge configuration project ‘i admire this design for using only single sided pcb – more thanks from the Philippines

    • hi there;
      as far as my experience is concerned the TDA7294 and TDA7293 are the same except for the wattage: TDA7294 being 100w while TDA 7293 80 w. they are replaceable, one instead of the other, without any change needed in the diagram or values. BUT here i am not sure. it is highly probable it is the same. TAKE all the safety measures.

      • Hello kurdistani
        TDA7293 vs TDA7294 change the bootloader capacitor. TDA7293 pin 6 to 12, TDA7294 pin 6 to 14. However, by compatibility, TDA7293 works with bootloader capacitor on pin 6 for 14. “For compatibility purpose with the previous devices of the family, the boostrap capacitor can be connected both between the bootstrap pin (6) and the output pin (14) or between the boostrap pin
        (6) and the bootstrap loader pin (12). When the bootcap is connected between pin 6 and 14, the maximum supply voltage in presence of output signal is limited to 100V, due the bootstrap capacitor overvoltage.”

  4. hello good day i just like to ask if i can replace the ic with tda7293 instead of tda 7294 and adjust the supply voltage for higher wattage using the same pcb and configuration, if not any suggestion using 2 and 3 tda7293 in bridge configuration project – more thanks from the Philippines

  5. Hello Toni Sir, I had made the Circuit Board Which gave me full satisfaction and awesome sound, u r great and many many thanks for PCB layout otherwise I am using Diptrace for circuit design which take more time. Sir, I am using 50k pot for trable, bass, volume whether it make any difference in sound or it is better to use 100k POT.
    Sir, will u plz Add 4558 ic In next pcb layout for filteration In bridge mode. Hoping for positive reply and waiting for modified Pcb.

  6. Thanks for your good diagrams. Can you design for me pcb circuit for 2 Channel TDA7294, one channel for Subwoofer and the other for satellite speaker, with additional 5 volt output for MP3 player.

  7. Hi Tony, I tried this pin and it was amazing! I use a sub-woofer module you gave earlier on for the first channel and midrange tone control for the second channel and it’s wow. I only have a humming in the sub-woofer channel and i’m not sure as a hobbyist whether it’s due to the power filter circuit which I’ve used 50v 6800uf capacitors. Hope to have your advice. Thanks

  8. Hai Mr.Toni can u please provide me sch and board file to me because I wanted to use smd and resisters to reduce the the size or u can change it and send me the PDF file on single side pcb
    Thanking you

  9. Hai Mr.Toni can u please provide me sch and board file to me because I wanted to use and resisters to reduce the the size or u can change it and send me the PDF file
    Thanking you

  10. Hi Tony.
    I want to use this circuit bridges with a 4 ohm speaker and output of 120 watts.
    Are any changes necessary.


  11. Hello Tony.
    I managed to order a circuit without noise. I ask you, do you allow this publicity? because interest is a lot behind this circuit.
    Thanks for the reply.
    Greetings from Slovenia.

  12. In order to eliminate the noise on the right channel, you have to move the capacitors closer together. There shouldn’t be parts in between the capacitors because of the discharge current. It would help to move the power supply onto another pcb.

  13. 2 capacitor!! few!! Ever heard of esr and esr?
    Then at least one second one-tenth capacitor !! Not even the place !!!
    There are several philosophies, but my best two condensers per branch, because great microfarad capacities do not work well in high friction but small ones! Best always a total but divided !!!!
    In addition to the fact that at least it is always the rule that the condesers better on pcb because closer to the transistor, but what’s the point if you do not make room for at least 4 condensers? !! then capacitors there are many models and various measures !! because??
    1000uf for each amp is a metropolis legend !!

  14. dear toni,
    please make 2.1 channel hime teatre
    using tea 2025 as satellite speakre
    and tda 7294 as subwoofer.
    the last, give connector power suply for driver mp3 player kit.
    thank you

  15. i make this circuit pcb but its not working anyone tell me please is this a working circuit or something wrong in this circuit. please reply me

    • Yes it is so working very well,I just made one today and perfectly working, no hum and the sound is very clear and powerful

  16. is headphone/pc/mobile output is directly connected to tda 7249 input,
    power supply for 9 ic = 80Wx5 & 170Wx2
    ac to dc converting circuit.

    heat sink size

    i m looking for stereo to 5.1 channel converter,other than NJW1186,or by simply resistor & capacitors,
    and how to make remote control circuit for
    cent, sub, rear, L&R volume control

  17. dear sir using 2 ic is expensive for productin and sale in indian markets i am in this bussiness from last 25 years it will be better if you can make a stand by circuit for standby and mute pin activated with tectile switch THANK YOU

  18. are you sure that the pcb is right designet?at the shematik pins 5-11-12 are not conected..but at the pcb you have them conected…wtach going on??will i have any problem?
    (english is not my native language)

    • i just noticed as well that the pins # 5,11,12 have no connection, i hope the author can discuss more details about the mute and standby section.

      has anyone tested the circuit already? please inform us, i will be happy to read more suggestion :)

      thanks author

      • I think these pins are remained open as I go through the datasheet of tda7294 these pins are referred as N.C. I.e. No connection .😊

  19. sera ke pueden cambiarr el servidor de descargaaa ke no funcionaa.. porfavorr.. otra cosa hasta cuandos watts es lo maximo que se puede usar el parlante por cada canal

  20. In the circuit diagram, there is 2200uF capacitor is used, in PCB you’re using 10000uF I can’t understand. What should be used? I purchased this IC, I went for MONO Amp using this IC, here i can get stereo, so please teach me.

    • hello, mr toni I installed the 1N4148 diode on the correct pin, which one. In the cathode image there is a pin, while in the pdf anode file there is a pin. my barrel is helped.


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