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Download Rimu PCB 2 Electronic Printed Circuit Board Layout Software. PCB Designer is a cost-effective, easy to use electronic printed circuit board PCB layout program. Features: Export Gerber RS274X and Excellon NC drill. Import ASCII netlist. Up to 16 layer boards supported. Rulers, Guidelines and Dimensioning lines. Five libraries – new components and libraries can be added. Automated ground planes, isolated copper removal. Tracks snap to pads for easy routing. Multiple Undo / Redo. Import PCB Designe/Protel Autotrax/Tango PCB II files. Add bitmaps into your design and export them to Gerber Much more!
Features Rimu PCB
- Easy to use and cost effective.
- Generates industry standard Gerber, Excellon and Pick and Place files for manufacture.
- Can import a netlist from your schematic. Seven different formats supported.
- Design rule checking – 32 rules in five categories.
- Snap to objects, snap to grid and snap to guides for easy and accurate placement.
- Comprehensive online help, includes tutorial and glossary of printed circuit board terms.
- Multiple Undo / Redo command.
- Automatic shape based power planes.
- Extensive printing options and print preview.
- Search libraries by part number and/or description.
- New component footprints and libraries can be created and edited easily.
- Floating/drop down palettes.
- Windows MDI interface.
- 32 bit application runs under Windows 98, NT4.0, 2000 and XP
System Requirements
200MHz or faster CPU.
32Mb or more RAM.
At least 10Mb free hard disk space.
Windows 95, 98, NT4, 2000 or XP operating system.